We're driving along this road that keeps getting narrower and narrower and losing it's surface. Eventually, it's down to a dirt/gravel concoction that has GYNORMOUS pot holes in it. Good thing we didn't try to drive the mustang that day! We never would have made it!
Now, I did read that this is a hunting area so be sure to wear some orange, which we didn't. *snort* I must say though, it was the weirdest thing for us to hike around and hear gun shots going off. Or rifle shots, I guess you'd call them? Being SO not a hunter, I honestly have no clue.
When we got out of the truck, we were immediately greeted by a dog with a radio collar and bells on. It was adorable! Not quite sure what kind of dog it was. It looked like a cross between a golden and an Irish setter. I've not quite seen that breed before and well, when I was single (or pretending to be as the ex worked nights) I used to watch the dog shows just to learn the different breeds.
We checked the map, geared up and hit the trail. The hunting party went left and we went right. I figured we were on the right path as it was a loop. *shaking head* Jackson apparently wanted to join us on our hike instead of his hunting family. I finally told Jackson to come with me and headed towards his family. He caught up with them and I turned around and headed back up our trail.
It was a warm day. We immediately started to strip layers. I'm not sure what the temperature was that day, but I think it got up to at least 40 if not low 50s. I really was warm.
The trail we were on started with a brief walk through the woods to some plains type grass lined trails. This was short lived and we were in the woods again. This was definitely going to be a muddy trip when we had to walk partly down a small stream on the trail. It's all good! Boots were meant to get wet and dirty!
We were following white blazes. *snort* Such noobs we are! LOL We just keep walking through the woods. Up some inclines, down more hills; we just keep
At this point, we start to climb....up and up and up. The trail we were supposed to be one was going to take us around a lake and around almost the perimeter of the park. Where's the lake? Where's the trail? What's the white blazes and why are we seeing signs for shelters?
Once we crest, I have signal and realize that we're no where near the trail we were supposed to actually hike. *snort* Go figure! I figure out, using Trimble Outdoors, that if we walk on this trail, then cut right, we can get to the loop we were looking for. So we continue. And up we go...some more. At some point, I will NOT be heaving when we get to the top of an incline. I seriously need to work on my lung capacity. *sigh*
And now my feet are starting to kill me. I finally had to stop and we decide, well, it's been 3 miles and we wanted to do a 6 mile hike today. We have no clue where the trail is or that we're even on the right trail, so we begin the decent back the way we came. At this point, I'm almost convinced that I need to ditch the initial insoles I have for my "issue" and just continue with lifting of the big toe so that it supports the weight it's supposed to. At this point, I'm baffled and getting tired of it... SOMETHING'S gotta give...
I'm dying by the time we get back to the car. I didn't have my brace as it was supposed to be a "moderate" hike and I forgot to put it on when I got dressed. So, now my knee is killing me and my hip is starting to hurt. So, I'm going downhill quickly and just can't wait to get back to the car. How much longer? 1 mile. How much longer? Half a mile. How much longer? We should be there. Where's the car?? I'm tired and want to go home!! YES! *happy dancing* FINALLY! There's the car!
Now we get to drive BACK on that road that is wide enough for only one car. And wouldn't you know...TWO other cars were headed our way on the way out of the park. Doesn't that figure?
It's interesting to note that the directions back home were different than the ones we followed to get there. On the way home, we pass almost all of the other parking areas that made much more sense than the ones we followed. I should have really made note of the other parking areas and where they were located so we could actually hit the right trail next time. There was a group of Koreans that passed us and we passed them on the way home. Next time, I think we're going to find the lake and park there to hit the right trail!